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You won’t believe what these kids are doing at the back of Jeepneys


What do you do when kids cause trouble?

The traffic issue in Manila is starting to unravel a lot of things that are not easily seen before. Now, it appears that along with the rise of traffic, the slowing down of the movement of vehicles are giving way for these ill-forsaken kids to jump onto moving vehicles such as Jeepneys and trucks and beg for money while showing off that they are into huffing.

It’s sad and bad enough that we still have street children roaming the streets no matter how many promises we get during election time every year since almost forever. It’s another thing that these kids feel like everyone is required to help them — else get stepped on, publicly embarrassed or ridiculed, and just cause trouble for motorists both on private and public transportations.

A group of kids are seen hitching a ride while holding solvent inhalant and asking for help from passengers.
A group of kids are seen hitching a ride while holding solvent inhalant and asking for help from passengers.

The growing concern here is the safety of everyone on the streets, not just the passengers but the kids as well who risk getting into an accident causing them injuries as well as trouble to other vehicles. If these kids are able to openly show they are going through inhalant abuse or huffing, it also means that they are openly admitting two things. One, that they are emotionally and mentally unstable which in turn means it will be more difficult to reason with them just like someone who is severely intoxicated or someone who is under the influence of drugs; and two, that no one has the guts to do anything about this so they are simply calling for more and more attention.

These children need help but what kind of help — and how?

It’s hard to say what makes this thing a daily event here in the metro. It’s as if no one is seeing this or simply that everyone is scared to do anything about it; much worse, its shows that we seem to not really care at all. It’s sad and heartbreaking to see this day in and day out.

The kicker here is that these kids are doing this in broad daylight and no one seems to take notice while the local police are able to spot a color coding vehicle from a mile away.

A kid hops at the back of a passenger Jeepney asking passengers to give him money while inhaling super glue
A kid hops at the back of a passenger Jeepney asking passengers to give him money while inhaling super glue.

Is it really that hard to fix this problem? Does anyone know of an idea that can help these children move outside this abusive lives that they have fell into — take them out of poverty little by little and introduce more productive things than begging, giving them something to look forward to.

Huffing: Severe inhalant abuse causes brain damage or even death.

This issue may be too big for one mind to fix but with your help, we might be able to think of a new and radical way of helping these children have a better life and be more helpful to our society. If you have a suggestion on what we should do as a nation to help these kids become better people, leave it in the comments below and let’s try to slowly take out these problems one by one.

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